In today's society data plays a huge role in the day to day running of most companies, education establishments, government buildings and our own homes. This data can be in the form of family photos, financial data, assignments and reports right the way through to secret national documents. Whichever way we look at it data plays an important role in the way the modern world works. As data is important, so is the space that we use to house it. Home users store documents and photos on their hard drives or usb memory sticks or even an external hard drive, where companies use massive data servers which can cope with many Terabytes of data storage. The weak point to all of these methods of data storage is the amount of space we use. As time goes by and users save their work to servers and hard drives and backup documents to storage locations the space which we have becomes smaller and smaller without us really noticing it. Then the worst thing in the world (to the person its happening to) happens and we lose data or don't have enough or we rely on something that we thought had been backed up but hadn't.....disaster. Of course in the grand scheme of things it isn't actually a disaster but more of a very annoying, troublesome setback.......wrong!
In many many cases if you run out of disk space and don't find out about it for a while then there is going to be real trouble, ranging from lost work to missed backups. I agree that people should keep a closer eye on storage space but in many cases this just isn't practical on a time and personnel level. This is where we bring in automatic disk monitoring tools. These software tools can be setup to monitor servers and desktops and storage devices and alert people in many different ways when a shortage of disk space is imminent. Software such as Disk Monitor Pro ( allows the user to monitor any number of storage locations, set thresholds individually and then setup different ways of getting attention - whether it be an email, a popup on the desktop, audible alert or even running a specified program. The data and storage space saga will go on for many years and will always play a hugely important part in the way we work and play. Data loss is and will always be a major concern for many people in many different types of work, but in using automatic disk monitoring perhaps we can at least be warned before we get the dreaded phone call.
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